
Elevate your operations to a new level of safety, productivity, and sustainability with Vision AI.

Get real-time visual insights into your mining operations with Practical AI.

Health & Safety Use Cases

PPE Detection

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Hazardous Zone Monitoring

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Fire, Spills, and Leaks Detection

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PPE Detection

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Hazardous Zone Monitoring

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Fire, Spills, and Leaks Detection

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PPE Detection

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Hazardous Zone Monitoring

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Fire, Spills, and Leaks Detection

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Site Security Use Cases

Perimeter Security Monitoring

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Pilfering and Theft Monitoring

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Perimeter Security Monitoring

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Pilfering and Theft Monitoring

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Perimeter Security Monitoring

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Pilfering and Theft Monitoring

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Environmental Monitoring Use Cases

Monitoring and Counting Fauna

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Water Discharge Monitoring

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Monitor Tailings Distribution

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Monitoring and Counting Fauna

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Water Discharge Monitoring

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Monitor Tailings Distribution

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Monitoring and Counting Fauna

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Water Discharge Monitoring

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Monitor Tailings Distribution

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Mining and Logistics Use Cases

Cycle Timing: Detect Queues or Idle Trucks Without Loads

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Monitor Ore-To-Ore Pass, Waste-To-Waste Dump

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Detect Mis-Loading of Haul Trucks

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Hoist Utilization Monitoring

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Cycle Timing: Detect Queues or Idle Trucks Without Loads

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Monitor Ore-To-Ore Pass, Waste-To-Waste Dump

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Detect Mis-Loading of Haul Trucks

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Hoist Utilization Monitoring

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Cycle Timing: Detect Queues or Idle Trucks Without Loads

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Monitor Ore-To-Ore Pass, Waste-To-Waste Dump

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Detect Mis-Loading of Haul Trucks

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Hoist Utilization Monitoring

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Mineral Processing Use Cases

Conveyor Belt Monitoring

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Blocked Primary Crusher Monitoring

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Particle Size Monitoring

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Conveyor Belt Monitoring

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Blocked Primary Crusher Monitoring

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Particle Size Monitoring

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Conveyor Belt Monitoring

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Blocked Primary Crusher Monitoring

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Particle Size Monitoring

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alwaysAI logo-horizontal-black text
Marty Beard

Co-Founder and CEO of alwaysAI

Timberlab Logo
Aaron Anderson

Director of Innovation at Swinerton

alwaysAI logo-horizontal-black text
Marty Beard

Co-Founder and CEO of alwaysAI

Timberlab Logo
Aaron Anderson

Director of Innovation at Swinerton

alwaysAI logo-horizontal-black text
Marty Beard

Co-Founder and CEO of alwaysAI

Timberlab Logo
Aaron Anderson

Director of Innovation at Swinerton

Mining Resources

5 Transformational Use Cases of Mining AI

Vision AI is revolutionizing the mining industry with innovative solutions for exploration, safety, and efficiency. Discover how vision AI transforms AI in mining.

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Introducing alwaysAI Solution Suites

alwaysAI is proud to announce the release of its expanded computer vision solutions to provide the transformative power of real-time visual data to even more industries.

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Computer Vision Will be Essential to the Industry 5.0 Era

In addition to an overwhelming number of AI stories, recent manufacturing industry news highlights progress, advancement, enhancements, and other buzzwords that encompass improvement.

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